Fidelity + Data Tools

Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT)
The Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT™) reliability workshop prepares participants in the use of the instrument to gather information on preschool teacher implementation of the Pyramid Model practices. This is an intensive workshop that requires prerequisite knowledge, preparation, and participation in the entire workshop. Participants who successfully complete the workshop and meet reliability standards will receive a certificate indicating reliability status and can serve as reliability partners to other observers. Successful completion will indicate that the TPOT workshop participant is reliable with the instrument development team for 3 years. Recertification is required every 3 years to maintain reliability standards.

Teaching Pyramid Infant-Toddler Observation Scale (TPITOS)
TPITOS™ is the essential tool for ensuring that infant–toddler teachers are implementing the Pyramid Model for Promoting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children with fidelity. Focusing on teacher practices and classroom environment variables, TPITOS measures how well your program’s staff is fostering responsive, nurturing relationships with children and promoting strong social-emotional development in their earliest years.
This workshop is intended for individuals who are very familiar with the Pyramid Model and want to know how the model can be implemented in infant–toddler settings. Participants who successfully complete the workshop and meet reliability standards will receive a certificate indicating their status as a certified TPITOS assessor for 3 years. Recertification is required every 3 years to maintain reliability standards.

Behavior Incident Report System (BIRS)
The Behavior Incident Report System (BIRS) provides early care and education programs and classrooms with a system to collect and analyze behavior incidents in their program. The system provides an efficient mechanism for gathering information on elements related to behavior incidents that can be used analytically to make decisions about providing supports to teachers and children within the program. Teachers within programs collect data on behavior incidents that are not developmentally normative or are a cause of concern to the teacher. These data are summarized monthly to provide formative data for examining factors related to behavior incidents (child, teacher, activity, behavior type, behavior motivation, and responses to the behavior). In addition, these data provide summative information on the frequency of behavior incidents over time and an analysis of potential equity issue by calculating disproportionality related to race, ethnicity, IEP status, gender, and dual language learners.