Catasha Williams
Catasha A. Williams, M.Ed. is a Co-Principal Investigator/ Associate Director and Technical Assistance (TA) Specialist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute. She provides technical assistance, professional development and data evaluation and systems supports to early childhood leadership teams around the delivery of evidence-informed practices for promoting healthy social and emotional development for young children. Ms. Williams’ current work also involves providing national TA to support Section 619 (Part B) programs in developing high-quality preschool special education service systems, with a focus on ensuring racial equity, culturally responsiveness and high-quality inclusive opportunities for children with disabilities and their families. She has 17 years of professional experience in early childhood systems serving in various roles including direct service provision, program planning and evaluation and statewide early childhood consultation.
Ms. Williams has completed multiple international certification programs including Group Facilitation, Professional Coaching, and is a Master Trainer. She was a post-graduate fellow of the UNC-CH Maternal Child Health Leadership Consortium, currently serves on the Board of Directors for The Pyramid Model Consortium and is appointed by the Governor of North Carolina to serve on the NC Birth to Five Interagency Coordinating Council.